2020 SCI Live Auction

Auction Details

The world's largest hunting auction, the SCI Convention features an incredible range of outstanding auction items. Day and night, the auctioneer gavel keeps falling on dream hunts and hunter-preferred items from around the world -- all to fuel SCI's hunter advocacy and wildlife conservation efforts.
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5-day Spain Red Deer or Roe Deer Hunt for Two Hunters23TN - 5-day Spain Red Deer or Roe Deer Hunt for Two Hunters
Safari Club International
Two hunters will join Espacaza and Profi Hunt for a 5-day, 2x1 guided red deer and roe deer hunt. Schedule this rifle hunt for open dates September 20
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5-day Newfoundland Black Bear Hunt for One Hunter23WD - 5-day Newfoundland Black Bear Hunt for One Hunter
Safari Club International
One hunter will travel to Newfoundland for a 5-day, 1x1 guided black bear hunt donated by Deep Country Lodge. Method of take is rifle, bow or muzzlelo
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7-day Newfoundland Moose and Black Bear Hunt for One Hunter23WN - 7-day Newfoundland Moose and Black Bear Hunt for One Hunter
Safari Club International
Effords Hunting Adventures invites one hunter to Newfoundland for a 7-day, 1x1 guided moose and black bear hunt. Schedule this rifle hunt for open dat
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10-day Spain Southeastern Ibex, Beceite Ibex and Iberian Mouflon Hunt for Two Hunters and Two Observ24FD - 10-day Spain Southeastern Ibex, Beceite Ibex and Iberian Mouflon Hunt for Two Hunters and Two Observ
Safari Club International
Two hunters and two observers will travel to Spain for ten days of 1x1 guided hunting for one Beceite ibex, one Southeastern ibex and one Iberian mouf
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10-day Kamchatka Snow Sheep Hunt for One Hunter24FN - 10-day Kamchatka Snow Sheep Hunt for One Hunter
Safari Club International
Vladimir Melnikov and ProfiHunt from Russia donated a 10-day, 1x1 guided Kamchatka snow sheep hunt in Russia for 2020 hunting season. Schedule this ri
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Louis Vuitton Glock C19 9MM24LL - Louis Vuitton Glock C19 9MM
Safari Club International
Heritage Collectables has donated a Louis Vuitton Glock C19 9MM. This compact Glock 19 9mm is ideal for versatile use because of its reduced dimension
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7-day Botswana Plains Game Hunt for One Hunter and One Observer24SD - 7-day Botswana Plains Game Hunt for One Hunter and One Observer
Safari Club International
One hunter and one observer will travel to Botswana for this 7-day, 1x1 guided gemsbok, eland and two blue wildebeest hunt donated by Tholo Safaris. M
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5-day France Gold-Medal Red Deer, European Mouflon and Fallow Deer for Two Hunters and Two Observers24SN - 5-day France Gold-Medal Red Deer, European Mouflon and Fallow Deer for Two Hunters and Two Observers
Safari Club International
Two hunters and two observers will travel to France for a 5-day, 2x1 guided one gold-medal red deer, one gold-medal European mouflon and one gold-meda
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6-Day/6-Night South African Photo Safari for 224TD - 6-Day/6-Night South African Photo Safari for 2
Safari Club International
A trip to South Africa is truly an adventure of a lifetime on this 6-day/6 Night South African Photo Safari for 2, donated by Zulu Nyala Safaris, hom
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5-night All-Inclusive Luxury Fishing and Diving Adventure for Six people in Belize24TN - 5-night All-Inclusive Luxury Fishing and Diving Adventure for Six people in Belize
Safari Club International
Safari Unlimited invites 6 people to enjoy 5 days on a small island located on the barrier reef of southern Belize. Schedule trip with outfitter for o
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