Auction Details

The world's largest hunting auction, the SCI Convention features an incredible range of outstanding auction items. Day and night, the auctioneer gavel keeps falling on dream hunts and hunter-preferred items from around the world -- all to fuel SCI's hunter advocacy and wildlife conservation efforts.
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2-day Texas Wild Boar Hunt for Four Hunters1WD - 2-day Texas Wild Boar Hunt for Four Hunters
Safari Club International
Four Hunters will travel to Texas for a 2-day, 2x1 guided, Trophy Wild Boar hunt donated by Texas Hunt Lodge. This hunt will take place
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3-day NWT Trophy Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling Fishing Trip for Two Anglers2WD - 3-day NWT Trophy Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling Fishing Trip for Two Anglers
Safari Club International
This 3-day, guided fishing trip for Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling for two anglers is donated by Plummer's Arctic Lodges . Schedule fis
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3-day New Mexico Pronghorn Hunt for One Hunter3WD - 3-day New Mexico Pronghorn Hunt for One Hunter
Safari Club International
One hunter will travel to New Mexico for this 3-day, 2x1 guided Pronghorn Antelope hunt donated by P L Holehan Custom Rifles and Gone Huntin
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5-day Turkey Eurasian Wild Boar Hunt for One Hunter and One Non-Hunter4WD - 5-day Turkey Eurasian Wild Boar Hunt for One Hunter and One Non-Hunter
Safari Club International
One hunter and one non-hunter will travel to Turkey for this outstanding 5-day, 1x1 guided Eurasian Wild Boar hunt, donated by Safari Tours
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Grand Teton Photography Safari5WD - Grand Teton Photography Safari
Safari Club International
Craig Boddington.com has donated an opportunity for you in the form of a Grand Teton Photography Safari where Kenton Rowe, a published N
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1-day Idaho Fishing Trip for Six Anglers6WD - 1-day Idaho Fishing Trip for Six Anglers
Safari Club International
Hammer Down River Excursions invites six anglers to Idaho for a one day fishing excursion for Steelhead Trout, Sturgeon, Bass and Trout.
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Voucher for 2 Night Rovos Rail South Africa Trip for Two People7WD - Voucher for 2 Night Rovos Rail South Africa Trip for Two People
Safari Club International
Rovos Rail Tours (Pty) Ltd. has donated a Voucher for 2 Night Rovos Rail South Africa Trip for 2 in a Deluxe Suite on board Rovos Rail's
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3-day Washington Duck and Goose Hunt for Two Hunters8WD - 3-day Washington Duck and Goose Hunt for Two Hunters
Safari Club International
Travel to Washington for a 3-day, guided Duck and Goose hunt donated by The Trophy Connection and Pacific Wings for Two Hunters. Method
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2-day Hawaii Feral Goat Hunt for One Hunter9WD - 2-day Hawaii Feral Goat Hunt for One Hunter
Safari Club International
One hunter will travel to the island of Maui for a 2-day, 1x1 guided Feral Goat hunt with Maui Hunting Safari . The hunter will have the
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Bronze Sculpture Titled 'Late September' by Devin Rowe's Bronze Inc.10WD - Bronze Sculpture Titled 'Late September' by Devin Rowe's Bronze Inc.
Safari Club International
Devin Rowe's Bronze, Inc. has donated a bronze sculpture titled 'Late September'. Devin Rowe's latest bronze is a mature elk w...
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