
Original Oil Painting on Canvas Titled "Bear In The Woods" By Craig Bone

Currency:USD Category:Hunting Start Price:5,000.00 USD Estimated At:NA
Original Oil Painting on Canvas Titled  Bear In The Woods  By Craig Bone
15,000.00USD+ applicable fees & taxes.
This item SOLD at 2023 Feb 24 @ 21:13UTC-6 : CST/MDT
Craig Bone has donated an original oil painting on canvas titled “Bear In The Woods”.

In this beautiful highly detailed painting Craig Bone captures the true beauty of a Large black bear in the woods.

Craig Bone is an internationally recognized wildlife artist based in the USA.

Craig was born and lived most of his life in Zimbabwe, having recently immigrated to the United States.

He has a lifetime of experiences in Africa which have provided him with a unique and trailblazing path in the field of African Wildlife Art.

Putting Craig at the forefront of his niche.

Through his work Craig has supported conservation and humanitarian efforts worldwide.

For more information, contact Anne-Marie Bone by email at craigboneart@gmail.com.

Company's website: www.craigbone.com

Company: Craig Bone