
Original Oil Painting

Currency:USD Category:Hunting Start Price:1,000.00 USD Estimated At:NA
Original Oil Painting
3,000.00USD+ applicable fees & taxes.
This item SOLD at 2019 Jan 11 @ 13:04UTC-8 : PST/AKDT
Cynthie Fisher has donated a 30-in. by 31-in. Original Oil Painting titled 'Autumn Reveille.' Cynthie has been painting for 32 years, and has depicted elk many times. This time, she chose to focus on the regal appearance of a huge bull bugling, warning off any smaller wannabes. She uses her ability to create drama with low light and bright colors to bring these elk to life. For more information, contact Cynthie Fisher at 406-375-1445 and visit www.fisherart.com.